quarta-feira, 15 de março de 2017

Homework! Scented Play Dough

I hope you enjoyed our Play dough mats activity. For your first experiment you will have to make PLAY DOUGH. Watch the following tutorials to find out the ingredients and procedure. I usually make Play doh every month, therefore feel free to ask me questions. 

Recife has many cool stores that offer a variety of scents, food coloring, and even creme of tartar. Creme of tartar  (Cremor de tártaro)is not an essential ingredient but will make your Play dough last longer. You can find creme of tartar and food coloring at Kinitos. If you are allergic to food coloring , get creative and use spices such as: ginger, cinammon, nutmeg or cloves. I love to add real ginger slices or coconut shreds to my Play dough. I also get my scented oils at Farmacia Piramide. 

OBSERVATION: You do not have to follow my suggestions. You can add your own scents ( maybe you already have some scents at home). Sometimes I add strawberry or chocolate gelatin to my mixture. The brand Royal has many flavors to choose from. 

Have a blast!! This homework is due Monday 20/03/2017


Ms. Carla 

Um comentário:

  1. We had so much fun at home! Foi uma diversão escolher a cor e o cheiro da play dough.
