terça-feira, 1 de março de 2016

Wetland Homework !

Bill Nye the Science Guy! Be ready to discuss the video next Monday 7-03-16


Ms. Carla 

17 comentários:

  1. The video is very funny Ms.Carla

    1. Bill Nye is very charismatic ! I love him, I used to watch his videos when I was your age. Love, Ms. Carla

  2. I liked a lot the video!

    I enjoy watching the landscape in the video.
    In the video says that Wetlands is a wet place!

    1. Dear Murilo , It makes me really happy that you enjoyed the video. What was your favorite part?


  3. Wetland is a place that is a habitat for many animals
    with water and if we polute animal will die.

    1. Dear Pedro, did you enjoy watching the video? Did you see the part of the parking lot? Would you construct a house near or on a Wetland?

  4. There are a lot of animals that lives on wetlands.The wetlands is a place that is wet.The wetlands has trees,plants and wet mud.On the video says if someone build a house on the wetland and has a big rain the house will sink.
    Gabriel Aversa Escobar

    1. Dear Gabriel, I love your attention to details! Did you like Bill Nye? He is really energetic isn't he? his love and passion for Science is noticeable. Do you like Science?

  5. I learned too that the soil of the wetland has living things. :D

    Bill Nye is science guy!!! Kkkkkkkkkk

    1. Very good Murilo! I will ask you to share the song of Bill Nye the Science Guy in our next Science class! hahah :)

  6. Dear Kátia, I hope that you enjoyed Bill Nye with Murilo. !!

  7. On wetland you can find quicksand.IT's very common in swamps. The roots make the water go very slow and hold the flood. It's very danger and expensive make construction on wetlands. So let the wetlands survive with its way.

    Are wetlands fantastic?


    ohhhhh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. this video talks about the wetland,the wetland was all with plants will be all right if more start build houses on the wetland will flood all when you have a flood,destroying cars,houses and other things.
    Maria Luiza Bacalhau.

  9. the video of wetlands is very nice and im larned more things about wetlands.Pedro Novelino year 4 b.

  10. Wetland is the name given to a natural ecosystem partially or even totally flooded during times of the year . Known examples of natural Wetlands are wetlands and mangroves .
    It has a key role within the ecosystem . Serves as a regularization of a river water flow and bring melhorarias as water, erosion control and biodiversity protection to be a generally protected and great source of local food .
    and serves to control the erosion of rivers.
    Raíssa França

  11. Energetic is me!
    Bill Nye is frenetic!!!!
