sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015

Assista ao vídeo e escreva uma sugestão para melhorar a atual situação do Rio Capibaribe.

terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2015

Jelly Band from Mr. Pedro

Prezado Mr. Mason and Year 4

A atividade com o aplicativo jelly band que começou dia 20/10 tem como objetivo estimular a prática composicional dos estudantes com o auxilio da tecnologia durante a aula de música. 
Para baixar as músicas, basta acessar o e-mail e fazer o download.

senha: jellyband

senha: jellyband


Mr. Pedro

segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2015

Math Concepts to Review

In case you get confused or forget, here's a video explaining "congruent" figures.

Here are some math concepts that we learned that year.  Please watch the videos to make sure you understand how it works.

Here is a video about Perimeter:

And here is a REALLY GREAT video about the basics of geometry.  Don't be afraid if you don't understand everything.  Just listen carefully and see which parts you DO understand!  If you have a question, do some research!

Mr. Mason

The Mangroves

Here are some of the videos we watched in class, and some others that are related to what we are studying!

Biodiversity in the Mangroves:
     (Watch just the first three minutes of this video. IT'S TOO LONG!!)


Fishing and Crab Collection in the Mangroves

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2015

segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2015


If you can't quite remember what empathy is, here is a great video to help you remember!  

Everybody loves Sesame Street!

Can you think about a time that you showed good empathy skills in your life?

Feel free to post in the comments!
Assista ao vídeo com atenção, e registre as suas descobertas, no comentário. Fique atento.

sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2015

Research Homework

 Research Homework for the Weekend of Friday 16/10/2015

1. Choose just one of the following questions and research the topic.  Write down notes using the graphic organizer provided in class and bring your research to class:

     a.  How did the construction of the port Suape change the local environment?  Are there negative effects on the ecosystems in the area?  

     b.  How does Recife's wastewater disposal affect local environment?  Is wastewater treated and cleaned before it gets dumped into the rivers?  Find out how the river's ecosystem has been affected.

     c.  How have economic and social activities impacted the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlántica) in the Northeast?  What kinds of agriculture resulted in the most destruction?

segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2015

How We Organize Ourselves - What Questions Must We Answer???

Year 4 was asked to come up with some questions that they would need to answer to better understand the new unit: How we organize ourselves.  

Here are the questions that the students came up with:

What is the role of children in politics?
Which are the main types of organizations?
Why do organizations exist?

Why do we need to learn about how to organize ourselves?
How do we organize ourselves?
Why do we organize ourselves?

Why do organizations come into our lives?
What kinds of organizations exist?
What are we going to learn?

Why do the teachers think this unit is important?
How should we start and finish a conversation?
How can we make decisions better as a group?

How do we differentiate social life from common life?
How can we study how we organize ourselves?
How do people organize themselves when working?

How have people organized themselves in the past to work together?
What group projects will help us learn about this?
How will the transdisciplinary themes be involved?

Do people play different roles in a community?
Do places have different functions in a community?
Do people use specific tools to do their jobs in a community?

quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2015

Segunda tarefa da Gincana

Trazer um adulto ou criança trajando roupas típicas dos povos que contribuíram para a formação do povo brasileiro: indígena, africano, europeu e asiático. Vencerá o traje mais original. E uma Certidão de nascimento originária dos povos formadores da nação brasileira, valendo a mais antiga. A escolha será feita através das palmas das crianças. Vale 5 pontos para o traje típico e 5 pontos para a Certidão. Totalizando 5 pontos.

Vamos nos animar!!

terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2015

A nossa Gincana está a todo vapor! Hoje sorteamos a tarefa Senior. 

Trazer objetos que fizeram parte da cultura musical da humanidade: um toca disco ou vitrola em funcionamento; um disco de vinil colorido (grande ou compacto); o disco branco dos The Beatles e o primeiro disco do Balão Mágico.

Os objetos deverão ser entregues no bom dia das 7h45 às 8h. Quem trouxer todos os ítens terá 40 pontos.

segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2015

Air Pressure

With our new unit starting, we did an experiment today to discover the funny ways that air pressure shapes the world around us and moves pockets of air.  This is the first step into our investigation of how air pressure affects the weather, and most importantly, how the weather affects the ecosystems we live in.

Stay curious!!

sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2015

New Unit and Our Long Division Method!

Hi Year 4:

Friday was a wonderful day with a lot of different opportunities for learning and community-building.  We had a fire drill, sang together with Mr. Pedro, and danced with Miss Inaê!

We introduced our new transdisciplinary theme: "How We Organize Ourselves."  Here are the graphics we produced in class.  You can use them to help you complete your homework.

Also, today Ms. Tatiana Sarmento introduced the long division technique we will be using this year.  Some parents were worried that the students had gotten mixed up by some of the videos I shared.  This should clear that up.  Here are some photos of that activity.

Finally, as I have stressed in class, videos on the internet are sometimes from other countries.  And if a method of division, multiplication, or subtraction seems strange to you, you should ask a teacher about it.  We are doing are best to help you become independent student learners

That means YOU are going to be the problems solvers...not your parents, or your teachers!  Let's see what you can do!

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Mason