quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2017

Empreendedorismo - Propagandas Year 4

Como projeto final do Year 4, os alunos criaram um plano de marketing para um produto ou serviço que idealizaram. O final do projeto resultou na gravação de uma propaganda para divulgação deste produto/serviço.

Assista abaixo as propagandas do Year 4 A:





Assista abaixo as propagandas do Year 4 B:





Parabéns a todos pelo trabalho, envolvimento e colaboração!

Mr. Hugo

quarta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2017


Our girls!

1, 2,3 action!

Add caption

Art classes are AMAZING!

May, Roberta and Claudia ALWAYS there!


Rachel, we love you!

Ana Flávia, we love you!

Fantastic Maker team!

WHO remembers GRAPES?

Maple Bear Books


Group Project Guidelines


Remember, your google slides presentation HAS to follow this sequence. You can add more slides that are related to the topic. You can´t copy and paste from the internet. All of your slides have to contain your OWN work. A great google slides or power point presentation should have important information in a concise manner. Students should NOT read the slides, they should know the information. Slides help your audience to visualize what you are talking about. Special effects are fun but don´t overdo it, you don´t want your audience to get distracted and loose track of what your project is about. Your font should be formal, keep it simple. Last but not least, I want to hear all of your group members voices, one is NEVER enough. 

  1.  Title : " Name of your country" economic activities. Group members names. 
  2.  General information about your country 
  3. Why did you choose this country?
  4. Definition of "economic activity"
  5. Levels/sectors of economic activity 
  6. Economic activity of your country ( major economic activities)
  7. Product or MAJOR economic activity/levels of that product
  8. Group reflection - group engagement, what did you learn? Future recommendations

Resultado de imagem para model word

Your model has to represent the levels/sectors of the main economic activity ( product) that you chose. During the presentation each member will be responsible for a certain level. 


Students are working on economic activities. They are learning about the sectors of economic activities. In groups, they chose a country and it´s main economic activities. They have been conducting a group research. Next week, they will  share  their research findings using google slides and  a model representing the sectors of their economic activity.







domingo, 19 de novembro de 2017

weather watch

No year 4 estamos estudando sobre o clima e diversos fenômenos naturais. Foi dado aos alunos diferentes textos sobre este assunto para trabalhar em duplas e escrever resumos e reflexões. 
Tivemos a oportunidade de assistir um filme na sala 3D sobre o aquecimento global e o impacto dos seres humanos no meio ambiente. Futuramente, os alunos terão que criar uma peça teatral nas duas línguas para representar o que foi discutido em sala de aula. 

terça-feira, 14 de novembro de 2017

Economic activities and Weather Watch

Year 4 is working on economic activities in Brazil and around the world. They are learning about  different levels within our economic system and getting familiar with how our economic system works.  Students are getting their information from different sources. Next week they will begin with "Economic activities around the world" project. Fourth graders are also learning about weather and climate and the difference between them. We have been working in pairs on our Science Journals, it has been super fun.