quarta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2017

Group Project Guidelines


Remember, your google slides presentation HAS to follow this sequence. You can add more slides that are related to the topic. You can´t copy and paste from the internet. All of your slides have to contain your OWN work. A great google slides or power point presentation should have important information in a concise manner. Students should NOT read the slides, they should know the information. Slides help your audience to visualize what you are talking about. Special effects are fun but don´t overdo it, you don´t want your audience to get distracted and loose track of what your project is about. Your font should be formal, keep it simple. Last but not least, I want to hear all of your group members voices, one is NEVER enough. 

  1.  Title : " Name of your country" economic activities. Group members names. 
  2.  General information about your country 
  3. Why did you choose this country?
  4. Definition of "economic activity"
  5. Levels/sectors of economic activity 
  6. Economic activity of your country ( major economic activities)
  7. Product or MAJOR economic activity/levels of that product
  8. Group reflection - group engagement, what did you learn? Future recommendations

Resultado de imagem para model word

Your model has to represent the levels/sectors of the main economic activity ( product) that you chose. During the presentation each member will be responsible for a certain level. 

Um comentário:

  1. Tenho acompanhado o crescimento de Maya em casa projeto em grupo. Team work teaches a lot more than just the topic of the project!
