sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2014


A turma do Year 4 está estudando sobre Fábulas. Já leram, escreveram, dramatizaram e assistiram apresentações sobre o assunto. Criaram um texto coletivo sobre as fábulas. Confira:

Fables are short stories that have a moral, they teach lessons to your life. They have animals and things acting like humans. In some fables, there are open-minded animals that solve the problems. There are classic and modern fables. They were invented a long time ago, the first fable was created in the Orient. Some fables were created by Aesop, he didn't write fables,  He told them to people. Examples:  The Hare And The Tortoise, Fox And The Grapes, etc.
La  Fontaine is another famous author.

Contributed to this post: Rafael Souto, Felipe, Caio, Davi, Matheus, Sophia Medeiros, Maria Clara and Eduardo.

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