domingo, 10 de julho de 2016

Holiday activities!

Dear  Year 4 ,

I hope you are having a good winter break. I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to our "winter break " blog journals. In preparation for our next unit, I would like you to read the poem, “What’s in the Sack” by Shel Silverstein. A copy of the poem is included with this letter. As you read the poem, consider the messages in the poem. I encourage you also to share the poem with your family. Once you have read the poem, prepare a sack (or paper bag) that contains three or four items that represent you. You will be asked to share the items in your sack with your classmates in our two minute talk "Sharing Carpet". Please do not bring any items of value to class just in case they should be lost or damaged and remember that this activity is OPTIONAL. 

by Shel Silverstein 

What's in the sack? What's in the sack?
Is it some mushrooms or is it the moon?
Is it love letters or downy goosefeathers?
Or maybe the world's most enormous balloon?

What's in the sack? That's all they ask me.
Could it be popcorn or marbles or books?
Is it two years' worth of your dirt laundry,
Or the biggest  meatball that's ever been cooked?

Does anyone ask me, "Hey, when is your birthday?"
"Can you play Monopoly?" "Do you like beans?"
"What is the capital of Yugoslavia?"
Or "Who embroidered that rose on your jeans?"

No, what's in the sack? That's all they care about.
Is it a rock or a rolled-up giraffe?
Is it pickles or nickels or busted bicycles?
And if we guess it, will you give us half?

Do they ask where I've been, or how long I'll be stayin',
Where I'll be goin', or when I'll be back,
Or "How do?" or "What's new?" or "Hey, why are you blue?"
No, all they keep asking is, "What's in the sack?"
"What's in the sack?" I'm blowin' my stack
At the next one who asks me, "What's in the sack?"
Oh no. Not you, too!

PS: Look up the yellow words in the dictionary. You can share the definitions in our blog comments section. 

Here is what I would put in my sack:

1. A picture of my family . My family is very important to me. I feel very blessed to have such a loving family.

2. A scented candle. This year I have been trying to learn how to make candles.  I have a great collection of scented candles, I try to get one every time I travel. 

3. A book. I love to read. I enjoy reading many different types of books. I like to read because I can learn new things, I can explore many new places, and most of all, I can learn about how other people think and feel. 

Let me know if you liked the poem! Feedback is really important to get to know you all better. In my next post I will be sharing some challenges and holiday reading suggestions. I am eager to show you my " winter favorites" booklist with you. Can´t wait! How is YOUR winter break going so far? 


Ms. Carla 

11 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. Dear Kátia, I hope that you guys enjoy the activities ! Can´t wait to see Burrito again. Love you all!

  2. Hi Ms Carla!!
    Here follow the words with their definitions:

    .Sack: A large bag made of a Strong material such as hessian , thick paper , or plastic , used for storing and carrying goods.

    Sorry Ms Carla but I dont found goosefeathers.

    .Enormous:very large in size , quantity or extent.

    .marbles:A kind of hard usually highly polished stone , cold to touch .

    .laundry: the action or process of washing clothes.

    meatball : A ball of minced or chopped meat.

    Embroidered:decored (cloth) by sewing patterns on it with thred.

    Busted: A sculpture of a person´s head and shoulders .

    Stack : A pile of Objects Typically one that is neatly arranged.

    Raissa França Year 4 B

    1. Dear Raissa,

      Have you played with marbles before? Goosefeathers are the feathers of a goose ( animal). How is your holidays going so far? tell me about it! Love you!!!

  3. Hi Ms Carla I had missed your comments in the blog.
    Here has the words that you said with their definitions.

    Sack:A usually retangular-shaped bag (as of paper,bularp,or canvas).

    Goose feathers:Goose feathers are the feathers of the goose(an animal).

    Enormous:Very great in size or amount.

    Marbles:A little glass ball used in some kids' games.

    Laundry:Clothes, towels, sheets, etc, that need to be washed.

    Meatball:A small ball of chopped or ground meat.

    Embroidered:A design sewed on a piece of cloth.

    Busted:To break or smash especially with force.

    Stack:A large amount of something.

    Fagner de Athayde Year 4 A

    1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

    2. Faguinho, fantastic work! How are you doing ? How is Nicole doing? Miss you. Keep up the good work.

    Type of Metamorphic rock.
    Ball of chopped meat.
    it can be a burlap, a sack of plastic, of thick paper and many other things.
    A very big thing . ex. :- This elephant is ENORMOUS!
    A business establishment where clothes, linens, etc., are laundered.
    Embroidered is when some thing is sewn
    Goosfeathers are the feathers of a goose
    Busted smashed or broken
    A stack is a more or less orderly pile


  5. Hello Ms. Carla.
    Here is the words with the definitions that you ask.

    Sack: A large bag made of strong cloth, paper or plastic.

    Goosefeathers: Feathers of the goose.

    Enormous: Extremely large.

    Marbles: A type of very hard rock wich has a pattern of lines going trought it.

    Laundry: The dirty clothes and sheets wich need to be, are being or have been washed.

    Meatball: One of several small balls of meat that are eaten hot eita a sauce.

    Embroidered: To decorate cloth or clothing with patterns or pictures consisting of stitches that are sewn directly onto the material.

    Busted: To break something.

    Stack: A pile of things arranged one on top of another.

    Gabriel Escobar y4b

  6. I like the poem because is curious, because on the poem he says what is in the sack.

    Gabriel Escobar y4b

  7. Hi Ms Carla 🤓

    1) Sack: A usually rectangular-shaped bag (as of paper, burlap, or canvas).

    2) Goosefeathers: Are animal goose feathers.

    3) Enormous: : Very great in size or amount; A thing very, very big.

    4) Marbles: A little glass ball used in some children games.

    5) Laundry: Clothes, towels, sheets, etc., that need to be washed or have been washed.

    6) Meatball: A small ball of chopped or ground meat often mixed with bread crumbs and spices.

    7) Embroidered: To sew a design on a piece of cloth.

    8) Busted: Bankrupt, break.

    9) Stack: A large amount of something.

    See you soon 😃😃😃
