quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2015

Working on Understanding How Civilizations Work

In order to better understand the present, we are investigating the past.  In order to better understand the past, we are examining the present.

 They made a visual representation of the cities and their services and presented to their colleagues.

"A civilização é antes de tudo vontade de conviver." -José Ortega y Gasset

The students from Year 4 A and B explored their ideas about how cities work.  They came up with questions after brainstorming all the services that the government provides.

Questions that Year 4 A came up with:

Why exactly do I see just a little bit of the public things?
-Marina F.

How do we get water up on to a hill?
-Marina X.

Why do some people depend on services from the government?
-Maria Clara

To whom does the government provide public services?
-Camila A.

Will the government always provide more and more schools?
-Julia A.

Why are public services so important?

How do they use math in public services?

Why doesn’t the government make more public services and public spaces for people that don’t have money?

Why do some of the presidents not care about the problems of they city and say that they were already solved?

Why aren’t there more public projects in the city?

Why do we need so many orphanages if every child has a Dad and a Mom and every child is someone’s son or daughter?

Why are most services not public?  Everybody needs a house right?  But not everyone has one.

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