terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2015

Year 4B Starts Buddy Reading!

"No turma left behind!"  

Year 4B started the first of many Buddy Reading sessions that will be happening over the course of the year.  They paired up with Year 1 and will be reading to, with, and for them all year long.

The goals of the program are many: 

•  to help the Year 1 students hear and see what good reading looks like

•  to help the Year 4 students learn to teach the skills they already know, and reinforce them in the process

• to create a better sense of community in ABA Global School

Reading to younger students requires a focus and attention that students often don't require of themselves.  The Year 4 students felt responsible for the learning of the younger students and took it very seriously.

But they also made new friends!  As the year goes on they will get to know each other much better!

3 comentários:

  1. Boa iniciativa! Momento rico para desenvolvimento de responsabilidades, socialização e troca de saberes.

    Great Job!

  2. Excelente! parabéns, muito gratificante ver nossos pequeninos compartilhando conhecimento.

  3. Buddy reading is a great initiative. I love it ! Mônica Farias, Pedro Uchoas' mother
